The ultimate guide to creating the perfect study timetable (+ template)

A study schedule or study timetable is a great thing to have anytime in the year. Whether it’s the beginning of the year, in the middle of a semester, or during finals season. It is never too late to use a study timetable. The reason is that a study schedule is a crucial thing to make and have so that you stay organised and effectively prepared for all your tests and exams.

Studying can be daunting and overwhelming. Especially when we realise the sheer amount of content that needs to be covered, the pile of notes that need to be made and reviewed, and the thick textbooks that need to be eventually opened. You would think that after doing it for so many years, it would get easier, but I digress.

However, one of the ways we can make it more bearable is by doing thorough revision, practising with past question papers, and most importantly (drum roll please) following a study timetable.

Related Post: How to take effective notes with actual examples

Making a study timetable is no easy task, as I should know, because I cannot even begin to tell you guys about the dozens of pretty and aesthetic timetables I made but never used because they were not really practical. While I do like pretty timetables, it would not hurt to make them functional as well!

Some of the problems I faced with these study schedules were that either they were not tailored and personalised to fit a real day in my life or they were so detailed or nit-picky that if something changed in my schedule, I had to adjust it to another slot. 

If you know exactly what I am talking about because you experienced a similar problem, just continue reading, and hopefully this solution works for you.

What is a study timetable?

I like to think of a study timetable as being:

“a roster or schedule that details what you are going to be studying and when you are going to be studying it.”

Study template banner image

Why should I use a timetable?

A study timetable is a great way to be organised, boost productivity, keep track of your time, maintain accountability, and act as a roadmap to follow when it comes to studying.

The time we spend creating a study schedule is also an opportunity to look back and reflect on what we choose to spend our time on. During the process, you get to decide what is important and needs to be prioritised so that you can work towards your goals. The process of making a study schedule requires you to be reflective, honest, and critical so that the perfect study timetable can be made for you.

Another perk of planning is that it minimises stress, which in turn boosts confidence.

How to make a study timetable

There are just seven steps you need to follow so that you can create your perfect study timetable. Here they are:

  1. Reflect on your current schedule
    Taking time to analyse how and where you spend your time will give you a better idea of the time that you have to work with.
  2. Make a list of fixed and flexible tasks
    Our lives are often a mixture of different tasks that can be classified as either fixed or flexible. Fixed tasks, also known as commitments, are tasks or responsibilities that we can not avoid or postpone, and flexible tasks are those that do not really need a specific time slot to get done. Examples of fixed tasks are sleeping, eating, praying, commuting, and attending lectures. Examples of flexible tasks are those related to hobbies (examples: reading, baking, and exercising) and entertainment (examples: watching movies or shows).
  3. List out the details of those tasks
    Allocate the days and the amount of time required to complete each task. This is also an opportunity to reflect if you have been using your time wisely.
  4. Get a study timetable template
    A study timetable template is the actual timetable that you will be using for your study schedule. There are many ways to get a hold of a template: you can draw out your own timetable, you can use an online tool, or you can get the template that I made from the shop. –
  5. Fill out the study timetable template
    Take the information of your fixed tasks from steps 2 and 3 and put this information in your study schedule.
  6. Analyse the gaps
    At this point, there should be free spaces on your timetable. It is now time to analyse which of those empty slots will be used for studying. If you are an early bird, schedule most of your study sessions for earlier in the day, and if you like to burn the midnight oil, schedule your studying for later in the day.

    P.S: If there are no free spaces left in your timetable, I suggest that you reassess your commitments because there is a possibility that you are overcommitting yourself. A solution to this is to ask for some help so that some weight is taken off your plate.
  7. Schedule rest
    Breaks and rest time are crucial if you want your timetable to be effective. In those free spaces, make sure to schedule some rest time as well.

BONUS TIP: Colour code your timetable for better organisation and a bit of personality!

Study Timetable Template

Tips on following your timetable

  1. Set alarms on your phone to help you keep track of time.
  2. Print out your timetable and put it above your desk.
  3. Upload your study timetable to your phone or Google Calendar.
  4. Insert your study timetable in your planner so that you can see it often.
  5. Make your family and friends aware of your study times to keep yourself accountable and avoid interruptions.
  6. Do not be too upset when things don’t go according to plan because sometimes it takes a while to get into a routine.
  7. Make adjustments as you go along up until the study timetable best suits your life.
  8. Finally, remember that your study timetable is flexible and not rigid.

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     I hope this post helped you create your perfect study timetable.

    If you have more questions or tips, please leave them in the comment section below!

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